Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why Some Conservatives Oppose Gay Marriage

While some conservatives oppose gay marriage, others do not. For conservatives who do oppose it, the issue has less to do with homophobia and more to do with protecting the Judeo-Christian view of marriage. Social Conservatives and Wedge Issues While it is true that social conservatives have been on the front lines of wedge issues, not all conservatives are as deeply passionate about them as others. In fact, a large portion of the conservative movement—fiscal conservatives and crunchy conservatives, for example—may find themselves disagreeing with social conservatives on issues like gay marriage. Nevertheless, simply identifying as a conservative is enough to earn the vitriol and condemnation of the LGBT movement. Opposition to Gay Marriage vs. Homophobia Most gay rights advocates voice opinions of their own. Conservatives are motivated by homophobia [or hate], they say. Conservatives use their religion as a way to oppose gay marriage, others opine. Still, others believe that conservatives dont harbor the same hatred for divorced people, vandals, or other sinners. They have a special hatred for gays and lesbians. Comments like these force even those who have no particular sentiment either way to take up sides and defend their loosely-held convictions (whether they lean to the right or the left on this issue). I dont support gay marriage is not the same as I hate gays, and those on the left are frequently too blinded by their advocacy to recognize it. Those that do simply refuse to acknowledge it. Not everyone who opposes gay marriage is a homophobe, and not everyone who opposes gay marriage hates people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. By branding the religious end of an entire conservative movement as hateful, the people making such remarks come off as hateful of conservatives. It boils the issue down to one or the other, without considering those in between. Marriage As a Sacred Symbol For many people (not just religious conservatives), marriage is a sacred symbol of heterosexual love and commitment. Seeing it changed in such a profound way would be like the National Rifle Association suddenly claiming the rainbow flag as its symbol. Just as this would change the meaning of the flag in a way that is unpleasant to the LGBT community, so too would gay marriage change the meaning of marriage to a large part of the married community. Separation of Church and State? There is a common misconception among those on the left that the Constitution mandates a clear separation of church and state, yet that language is nowhere to be found in the document. The phrase was taken from a letter by Thomas Jefferson and bound into law by an activist Supreme Court in 1878. The Constitution deals with the issue of religion via the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. In the former case, Congress cannot pass laws based on religious principles and in the latter, the government cannot keep people from practicing their religion. National recognition of gay marriage is believed by many conservatives to be an example of government interfering with their right to practice their religion. They see it as akin to the government changing a basic tenet of their religion, not unlike forcing Orthodox Jews to eat pork or forcing Catholics to use something other than water in their baptisms. It reduces the covenant of marriage to a bureaucratic rubber stamp and also bastardizes the holiness of it. Recognition of Civil Unions vs. Marriage As it relates to the federal government, the trouble begins with how marriage is treated. There are very few mainstream or common-sense conservatives who will argue that a gay persons life-partner shouldnt be afforded the same rights as a married persons spouse, especially in instances where one of the parties is ill. The trouble with existing federal law is that it recognizes the institution of marriage, which is a holy, religious practice. While atheists will argue marriage is a legal covenant, most conservatives (and even many liberals) will concede that it is an act of religion. Most mainstream conservatives believe that civil unions would be a better way for the federal government to bestow benefits on couples. State vs. Federal While there are many conservatives who believe the institution of marriage should be defended as a covenant between a man and a woman, many more believe that the federal government shouldnt be dealing with the subject at all. Its a matter of jurisdiction. A large majority of conservatives believe the gay marriage issue is a states rights issue since there is no explicit language regarding the subject in the Constitution. According to the Tenth Amendment (Article X of the Bill of Rights), The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. If it were a matter of the states, there undoubtedly would be states in the U.S. that would permit gay marriage and others that wouldnt. For the majority of conservatives, this is fine as long as the voters of these states are the ones making the decisions (not the lawmakers). The Bottom Line For most mainstream conservatives, gay marriage isnt the issue it is for social conservatives. While there is a crossover for many on the right, political conservatism is less about wedge issues and more about limiting the size and scope of government, building a strong national defense and enabling the freedom of enterprise. Many conservatives who took a states right stance have put the issue on the back-burner since the Supreme Court decisions legalizing gay marriage and prohibiting state restrictions and bans.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay Problems with the Articles of Confederation - 856 Words

Problems with the Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation were developed after the Revolutionary War, and were a good idea to help set standards for America. However, they had some major problems that needed to be solved in order for America to become a strong nation. After these problems were addressed the Constitution was developed. Unfortunately for the National Government, Congress did not have any power to collect taxes from people in each individual state. The Congress could ask for money, but could not by any mean force states to pay them. The National Government greatly needed money to cover expenses and debts. Congress could not pay the Nation’s debt, which meant they could not provide much needed†¦show more content†¦Along with the foreign affair problems with no army, this also played a role with problems in foreign trade. Not having an army to protect US goods was extremely risky with trading. Ships were easily attacked when they were crossing oceans to trade with other countries. Mainly pirates took over ships and forced them to hand over very valuable goods. Sometimes pirates captured sailors from the ships, and also stole goods. While the US was having troubles protecting their goods, other countries were having troubles keeping economy in their own country from declining. T o help the economies of other countries from declining, countries placed tariffs and trade restrictions on US goods. By doing this, foreign countries would not want to buy US goods because they were too expensive. Instead, they would buy goods from their own countries because it was cheaper. Also the countries placed trade restrictions on other countries’ goods to make it harder for people in their own country to receive foreign goods. With each state having its own government, disputes arose between individual states. A Federal court system was important and was greatly needed to settle the disputes. States often fought over trade and power. A federal court that controlled all of the states would have helped tremendously. If all the states followed the same rules and had the same federal court, they would have all beenShow MoreRelatedCentral Problems Of The Articles Of Confederation Essay1718 Words   |  7 Pages2. What were the central problems of the Articles of C onfederation? How did the delegates to the Philadelphia Convention address them? Finally, how did the delegates resolve the three contentious political issues: the representation of large and small states, slavery, and state sovereignty? The Patriots desired to have a central government with limited powers. The Articles of Confederation, a written document defining the structure of the government from 1781 to 1788, only had powers to declareRead MoreProblems of Decentralization What were the problems of decentralized power that existed under the Articles of Confederation?1240 Words   |  5 Pagesnational government was needed, so delegates went to the Second Continental Congress to draft the Articles of Confederation. Though it provided a legislative branch of government with one house that had the power to declare war, had the power to make treaties, and could also borrow money to pay debts, it was nothing more than a declaration of friendship between the colonies . The weaknesses of the Articles were apparent after the government showed helplessness after Shays Rebellion. The governor of MassachusettsRead MoreProblems with the Articles of Confederation that were addressed by the Constitution and the importance o f the issue of power centralization in American politics today1579 Words   |  7 Pagesothers contend that a powerful central government will inevitably become a tyranny. Although the United States would wholeheartedly embrace the idea of a loose alliance of independent states at first, the many glaring problems that the nation faced under the Articles of Confederation would quickly change the minds of many Americans. Indeed, the nation s confederal system of government was eventually rejected and replaced by federalism, a political philosophy that calls for a sharing of power betweenRead MoreThe Articles of Confederation Essay866 Words   |  4 PagesThe Articles of Confederation In the 1770’s, as America’s great thinkers and writers were declaring their desire for independence; they also established a committee to lay the foundation for the American form of government. These brilliant writers and philosophers hesitantly began designing the national level of government for use in America and named their final draft the Articles of Confederation . Out of their utter distrust of a centralized government, due to their association with theRead MoreThe Articles Of Confederation From A New Constitution1506 Words   |  7 Pagesactions taken to replace the Articles of Confederation to bring about a new Constitution. I will first start out by giving some background on the Article of Confederation as to what it was and why it was important for the US? Secondly, I will provide the reader with some of the strengths and weaknesses of the Article of Confederation. Why did the Article of Confederation fail? Third, I will talk about the actions that were take n to replace the Article of Confederation and how these actions were workedRead MoreThe Articles of Confederation Essay973 Words   |  4 PagesConstitutional Convention, Washington’s presidency, or the three branches of government; the Articles of Confederation were created. This fledgling government, proposed in 1777, was doomed to never take flight, being replaced in 1789, when the Constitution was effected under Washington. This raises the question: Why did the United States discard The Articles of Confederation for the Constitution? Ultimately, the Articles were simply a weak form of government. However, economic issues, difficulty of ratificationRead MoreThe Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution1461 Words   |  6 PagesJesse Ghuman Jason Stratton US History B17 11/15/2015 The Articles of Confederation The first approved document of the United States was the Articles of Confederation. However, after a few years, the Bill of Rights replaced the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. The Articles began the Constitution but the articles had contained a lot of weaknesses so they had to create a new document. Few of the Article of Confederation goals were to bring the states together and establish a strongRead MoreWhy The Articles Of Confederation868 Words   |  4 PagesThis essay will examine why the Articles of Confederation; the first national compact that had executive branch and legislative branch with limited national government power, failed to solve national problems, inflation, depression. After the American Revolution, Americans were very suspicious with a strong central government, as they think the United State government would control over tariff and limited human rights just like what Great Britain had done in the past. On July of 1776, John DickinsonRead MoreEssay about Articles of Confederation816 Words   |  4 Pagesliberty. Based on these standards, the Articles of Confederation were effective to a certain degree at the time, but in the end, were too liberal to be effective. Because its main purpose was to ensure the blessings of liberty, the Articles of Confedera tion had to sacrifice stability and security, which ultimately led to its downfall. The Articles of Confederation promoted the spirit and beliefs of liberty and equality. It provided for a loose confederation, which gave limited power to the centralRead MoreEssay on The Articles of Confederation523 Words   |  3 Pagesmaintaining order. However, the first document crafted by the founding fathers, the Articles of Confederation, did preserve the country new found independence but it did not maintain order. The Articles of Confederation described by many founding fathers to be a document that was crafted to satisfy needs of every state for its ratification, even when the document did not present a responsible democracy. The Articles of Confederation granted all national powers to the congress; however, it allowed each state

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Aluminum Recycling in Australia Answers to Students-Assignmenthelp

Question: Briefly Identify the Chemistry Issue and the relevant Social or Environmental Context. Answer: Introduction: Recycling can be considered as a mechanism intended to convert waste to reusable material. Waste will be converted into a useful material which will be in the previous forms of the cycle. Waste recycling has several benefits to the society in general, the technique will be quite cost effective and recycling procedures will result in benefits to the society like there will be immense impact on the environmental conditions. The total GHG emissions being emitted to the environment will get arrested as there it is going to have considerable reduction in the manufacturing process and there is going to have an associated decrease in the environmental degradation. Eventhough the relative benefits and environmental advantages of the recycling process will depend more on the actual material recycled and the actual process employed for recycling, definite benefits of recycling are assured. The current discussion is about aluminium recycling in the context of Australian social, economic and env ironmental conditions. There is going to have a discussion on the entire recycling process in chemical perspective (Schlesinger 2013). Recycling in Australia: From several years, Australia domestic resources are being recycled. As high as 51% of the total household waste in Australia will get typically recycled. When compared with most of the other countries in the world, Australia mean recycling rate is quite higher. It is not a puzzling issue to understand the commitment of the country towards aluminium recycling. The chief most factor responsible for aluminium recycling is the fact that the aluminium is 100% recyclable. Aluminum parts are extensive in use in Australia like in many other countries. The recycling procedures and the processes employed for aluminium recycling are really environmental friendly and generally the properties of the metal will not be lost during the recycling process. Also the quality of the product will not be impacted during the recycling process (Tenorio 2002). Another chief concern is that the chemical energy requirement for recycling aluminium components is only 5% of the actual energy requirement for makin g a new product. Also it is true that in Australia like in many other countries that 75% of the aluminium ever produced is actually in use in the country (Shintzato 2005). Aluminum recycling statistics in Australia: By recycling about six aluminium cans of aluminium it is possible that enough energy to offset carbon emissions from a 10km journey in an average-size car and 17km journey bus ride. Australians use over 3 billion aluminium cans annually with approximately 350,000 aluminium cans are being made very minute (Gaustad 2012). Chemical Background: Aluminum recycling process is very simple and the chemistry of aluminium recycling is quite easy to use. The entire recycling process of aluminium consist of six main processes. Firstly the process consist of mechanical collection of the aluminium cans and then sorting them into proper format for recycling. The first phase of the process consist of removing foreign material like steel specimens included in the samples collected using the magnets. The second phase of the recycling process consist of inducing eddy currents in the material and then picking the material using the magnetic effects. Once so collected aluminium cans will be subjected to the further baling using mechanical forces and this follows with shaling to remove any further presence of steel specimens in the samples. Once the process of baling and shaling is removed the paints and other organic substances presented in the aluminium cans will get removed using decoaster blasts of about 500 degree Celsius temperature. T his process will be followed by heating the aluminium material at about 700 degree Celsius temperature. Then the molten aluminium formed at this stage of the process will be poured into the castings to make ingots and these ingots will be further moved to rolling mills to make the sheets and plates for diverse applications (Hatayama 2012). Main stream Aluminum production process: It is possible that the aluminium extraction can be further refined to eliminate to remove any impurities present in the molten aluminium. However usage of the refining process will actually depend on the final requirements of the process. Depending on the end requirements of the products, the degree of refining of the aluminium material will be employed. The following schematic indicates the basic refining process of the molten aluminium also the same procedure will be employed to extract aluminium from the bauxite ore. There will be mix up of ingredients to increase the flexibility of the material to become melted at low temperatures. Cryolite is generally employed to drastically bring down the temperature of melting of aluminium (Das 2010). Electrolysis of the molten aluminium will work out to let the oxygen move towards the anode and aluminium will be moved towards the cathode, the casing. The entire process consists in liberating sufficient amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, there will be sufficient amount of carbon monoxide also liberates into the environment(Green,2007). Environmental benefits of Aluminum recycling: The intense energy usage for making pure aluminium is maximum eliminated with the recycling of aluminium cans, When aluminium cans are recycled the energy consumed during the recycling process is quite less, it is only 5% of the total energy used for processing. Hence all the associated emissions during the energy production process like emission of greenhouse gases, energy and emissions associated with the mining of the ore, transportation of the ore to the processing zone etc. are completely eliminated. It is quite a big environmental benefits since number of environmental problems can be rooted first to the presence of GHG emissions in the atmosphere. It is also true that the recycling will contribute to the value addition to the economy of the country, since there is considerable saving in the form of cost effectiveness. Considering the bulk of aluminium cans and materials being recycled, there is considerable advantage to the countries in terms of environmental benefits and adva ntages. Concerns: It is true that the aluminium recycling process is quite toxic and it releases number of chemicals into the atmosphere. Further the process produces a waste called as dross, which is very toxic and requires to dump it into the landfills by burying. Generally sealed containers will be employed to bury the dross (Graziano 1996). Typically for about every tonne of aluminum melted about 200 to 500 kilograms of salt cake will be produced (Gelles 2007). The salt cake contain several elements like aluminium oxides, metallic aluminium, carbines, nitrides, sulphides and phosphides. Also it is possible that there can be air pollution from recycling the aluminium. It will not just come from energy generating means, there will also be immense release of furans, dioxides, hydrogen chlorides and particulate matter during the process. Furans released during the recycling of aluminium do cause impact on the lever in human beings (Tenorio 2001). Conclusions: When compared with several other recyclable materials, aluminium recycling do have a distinct significance owing to the potential advantage which the material recycling can offer to the society. Aluminum recycling is quite profitable as it has good potential to contribute to the cost effectiveness. Also it is easier when compared with other recycling processes. It is also true that aluminium cans and other products constitute maximum amount of wastage and hence it is very much required to appreciate the usage of aluminium recycling process. Australia being a proactive country in emissions reduction and ecological sustainability initiatives, encouraging aluminium recycling in all the possible means. References: Shinzato, M.C. and Hypolito, R., 2005. Solid waste from aluminum recycling process: characterization and reuse of its economically valuable constituents.Waste management,25(1), pp.37-46. Gaustad, G., Olivetti, E. and Kirchain, R., 2012. Improving aluminum recycling: A survey of sorting and impurity removal technologies.Resources, Conservation and Recycling,58, pp.79-87. Schlesinger, M.E., 2013.Aluminum recycling. CRC Press. Tenorio, J.A.S. and Espinosa, D.C.R., 2002. Effect of salt/oxide interaction on the process of aluminum recycling.Journal of Light metals,2(2), pp.89-93. Hatayama, H., Daigo, I., Matsuno, Y. and Adachi, Y., 2012. Evolution of aluminum recycling initiated by the introduction of next-generation vehicles and scrap sorting technology.Resources, Conservation and Recycling,66, pp.8-14. Das, S.K., 2006. Emerging trends in aluminum recycling: Reasons and responses.Light Metals,4, pp.911-916. Das, S.K., Green, J.A., Kaufman, J.G., Emadi, D. and Mahfoud, M., 2010. Aluminum recycling-An integrated, industrywide approach.JOM,62(2), p.23. Graziano, D., Hryn, J.N. and Daniels, E.J., 1996.The economics of salt cake recycling(No. ANL/ES/CP--88051; CONF-960202--5). Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Energy Systems Div.. Tenorio, J.A.S., Carboni, M.C. and Espinosa, D.C.R., 2001. Recycling of aluminumeffect of fluoride additions on the salt viscosity and on the alumina dissolution.Journal of Light metals,1(3), pp.195-198. Gelles, G.M., 2007. Aluminum recycling economics.Aluminum Recycling. Green, J. A. (2007).Aluminum recycling and processing for energy conservation and sustainability. ASM International.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Zazie in the Metro Review Essay Example

Zazie in the Metro Review Paper Essay on Zazie in the Metro Adorable Zazie praised in the abstract. Promised extravaganza, the apogee of wit, absurdity victory, humor, provocation. Experiment got What we do: little girl with a difficult childhood, poor vocabulary, misanthropy, and the ability to create scandals;. her mama, hacked to death with an ax at the time of her husband and a slight different behavior; her uncle-burglar, who dances in a womans dress in the nightclub and claims that he is not a homosexual; parrot, which utters only one sentence, and each time it is very urgent; a bunch of drunks, misfits and tourists. Yes, it was fun to read. But the glamor was exhausted on the first pages. There is a sense of chance as if Raymond Queneau stood up on the day of N on the wrong foot, the heroes would have gone to the wrong place and doing not so. Absurd, in my view, suggests a lack of logic. As if the universe did not exist the very concept of logic. In this case I see the work of the brain of a blind winding dialogues finger. Not bad okay, lets go further. No? It does not matter, used the magical ass I saw the logic! (Of this phrase is a good half of expressions young Zazie, however, in the ass every time new items appear). Wit (for example, mens cologne Dristian Kior ) and the creation of new words ( single-phase pyatislozhnik toshtotyskazal ) appear, in my opinion, helplessly, as if the author fills his hand. We will write a custom essay sample on Zazie in the Metro Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Zazie in the Metro Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Zazie in the Metro Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There is no doubt, it is worth reading ! At least out of respect for the name. The narrative is dense, easy to read and very happy, there are interesting finds and unexpected frills But we should not delude ourselves. Maybe we just had to be born much earlier, to evaluate this experiment. And still worth reading for the last aptly dialogue that I in any case I will not quote, so as not to spoil the impression. In it, and salt, and the answer.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay Free Online Research Papers Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Written by J.K. Rowling Two Most Important Characters: Harry Potter The hero and main protagonist of the tale, he is now 17 and much different, maybe even unrecognizable (Had it not been for his Lighting Bolt scar) from the boy he was 7 years ago. Then he was just an average person with no knowledge of his magical abilities, his caregivers (his horrific Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon) had him locked in a cupboard underneath their staircase. He has now left Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, one year short of graduation, in pursue of the horcruxes that keep the evil Voldemort alive. Voldemort The most evil and treacherous wizard alive. He is the main antagonist of the series and to most folks in the world he is so feared that people wont even utter his name, instead refer to him as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. He once was undefeatable, or so he thought, as a prophecy told him of a boy who would destroy him, he went in search of the boy. The boy happened to be Harry Potter. When he went to the house that Harry lived, where he uses the Avada Kavarda curse (which kills instantly) on both of the boys parents, when he goes to Harrys room he finds nothing more than an infant. He attempts the same curse on him as well, but it backfires. That was 17 years ago Description of Setting: Unlike the previous books in the series, this story doesnt take place at Hogwarts for the majority of the time. Instead, it is a search that spans many cities (mostly fictional) all around Europe. Summary: In the final iteration of the Harry Potter franchise, Harry along with his best-friends Ron and Hermione, must make a final stand against evil Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters, for the fate of the world rests in their hands. All is up to them. Will they find the horcruxes that hold pieces of Voldemort soul? Will they be able to stay out of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Nameds grasp long enough to destroy said horcruxes? Will Voldemort win the final fight and rule the Wizarding World once again? Will Harry survive? All is answered in this epic tale of Good versus Evil. Reasons Why to Read Gives an amazing end to the long running Harry Potter series that J.K. Rowling has been publishing for the past decade. Is the final book in the main series. The book is over 700 pages long and can keep you entertained for weeks. Has an epilogue that tells of the aftermath and what the world is like, nineteen years after the final chapter. Research Papers on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsThe Fifth HorsemanTrailblazing by Eric AndersonWhere Wild and West MeetUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XThe Hockey GameEffects of Television Violence on Children19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito

Saturday, November 23, 2019

WordStarâ€The First Word Processor

WordStar- The First Word Processor Released in 1979 by Micropro International, WordStar was the first commercially successful word processing software program produced for microcomputers. It became the  best-selling software program of the early 1980s. Its inventors were Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby. Rubenstein had been the director of marketing for  IMS Associates Inc.  (IMSAI), a  California-based  computer company, which he left in 1978 to start his own software company. He convinced Barnaby, the  chief programmer for IMSAI, to join him, and gave him the task of writing a data processing program. What is Word Processing? Prior to the invention of word processing, the only way to get ones thoughts down on paper was via a typewriter or a printing press. Word processing, however, allowed people to write, edit, and produce documents (letters, reports, books, etc.) by using a computer and computer software designed specifically to rapidly and efficiently manipulate text.   Early Word Processing The first computer word processors were line editors, software-writing aids that allowed a programmer to make changes in a line of program code. Altair programmer Michael Shrayer decided to write the manuals for computer programs on the same computers the programs ran on. He wrote the somewhat popular, and the actual first PC word processing program, called the Electric Pencil, in 1976. Other early word processor programs worth noting were: Apple Write I, Samna III, Word, WordPerfect, and Scripsit. The Rise of WordStar Seymour Rubenstein first started developing an early version of a word processor for the IMSAI 8080 computer when he was director of marketing for IMSAI. He left to start MicroPro International Inc. in 1978 with only $8,500 in cash. At Rubensteins urging, software programmer Rob Barnaby left IMSAI to join MicroPro. Barnaby wrote the 1979 version of WordStar for CP/M, the mass-market operating system created for  Intels 8080/85-based microcomputers by Gary Kildall, released in 1977.  Jim Fox, Barnabys assistant, ported (meaning re-wrote for a different operating system) WordStar from the CP/M operating system  to MS/PC DOS,  the by-now-famous operating system introduced by MicroSoft and  Bill Gates  in 1981. The 3.0 version of WordStar for DOS was released in 1982. Within three years, WordStar was the most popular word processing software in the world. However, by the late 1980s, programs like WordPerfect knocked Wordstar out of the word processing market after the poor performance of WordStar 2000. Said Rubenstein about what happened: In the early days, the size of the market was more promise than reality...WordStar was a tremendous learning experience. I didnt know all that much about the world of big business. Influence of WordStar Still, communications as we know it today, in which everyone is for all intents and purposes their own publisher, would not exist had WordStar not pioneered the industry. Even then,  Arthur C. Clarke, the famous science-fiction writer, seemed to know its importance.  Upon meeting Rubenstein and Barnaby, he said: I am happy to greet the geniuses who made me a born-again writer, having announced my retirement in 1978, I now have six books in the works and two [probables], all through WordStar.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice Assignment

Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice - Assignment Example have a strong family history for atherosclerotic vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, or hypertension with attendant risk factors for cardiovascular disease. According to Deswall and Mann (2006), the use of ARBs in heart failure patients significantly reduced mortality and morbidity rates. For asymptomatic Stage B patients (left-ventricular dysfunction), vulnerability can be reduced using therapies that diminish the risk of procuring additional injury, remodeling process, and progression of the disease. Studies have shown that a number of barriers prevent the effective use of best available evidence. One of the barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice for heart failure patients is the lack of time and educational skills to handle the heart failure patients. This implies that there is limited relevance to practice. Chan (2012) argues that people who were educated almost 25 years ago probably did learn about EBP. Most nurses are finding it difficult to change their behaviour, as well as the constraining power of the phrase, â€Å"That is how it is done here.† This leads to inappropriate service delivery. One way of overcoming the educational barriers is through ensuring that the educators spend more time teaching the students on how to carry use research in practice since it improves their skills and knowledge. Adams (2010) notes that the nurse leaders need to place adequate evidence-based practice mentors at the bedside who will work closely with the clinicians thus assisting them to learn skills along with implementing them consistently. Finally, evidence has shown that most healthcare practitioners are often not aware of the latest evidence-based guidance. As a result, there is need to ensure that the healthcare professionals including the front-line supervisors to be conversant with the new evidence-based guidance so as to effectively perform their roles especially when handling heart failure patients. Deswal, A., & Mann, D. L. (2006).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

(find Article about training and summarize) Essay

(find Article about training and summarize) - Essay Example Regardless of the sport-required metabolic demands, many coaches have continually stuck to the strategy. Most sporting activities do not require continuous sub-maximal movements. However, these sports require periods of high-intensity effort comprising of maximal bursts of speed and durations of minimal activity. Aerobic interval training concentrates on the provision of more sport-detailed training intensity. It ensures that an athlete enjoys greater training stimuli that can be utilized in the muscles, and applied in specific sporting activities. Aerobic interval training can also apply advanced methods for gaining endurance, particularly for some athletes seeking to achieve continuity in aerobic fitness levels (Ballantyne, 2006). In such cases, intensity of training is higher those of common aerobic training sessions. In fact, during the first attempts, exercise stimulus may be damaging to the muscles, and can lead to muscle soreness as the training sessions continues in later days. It is, therefore, essential that athletes should be advised to develop endurance and muscle strength prior to the inception of full blown training sessions. To be able to achieve that, it is highly suggested that athletes participate in special, short term programs of aerobic exercises before the start of intense exercises. During the first two weeks of intense training, program should be conservative in nature (Ballantyne, 2006). This implies that, the training volume should be between 3 and 5 intervals so as to accustom the athletes’ joints and muscles to the intensity. Additionally, a specific and thorough warm up warm-up should be performed on top of pre and post-training flexibility routines. It is paramount to provide complete and adequate rest intervals between the training sessions. Such periods are necessary so as to enable sufficient recovery, and enhance high power output during the next training

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Commentary on Tash Aws Harmony Silk Factory Essay Example for Free

Commentary on Tash Aws Harmony Silk Factory Essay The extract from the novel The Harmony Silk Factory by Tash Aw, seems to serve as an introduction within the larger context of the complete novel. The central theme of the extract is the concept of appearance VS reality; some things are, in reality, not what they appear to be. Through the use of characterisation and setting, the author manages to bring out this theme. In addition, the use of setting and characterisation creates a degree of tension within the extract, and draws the reader into the story. Characterisation plays a major part in the extract. The main character of the extract is also the narrator. The narrator is characterised through the use of many literary devices; through his narration, aspects of his personality are revealed to the reader. We find that the narrator has two sides: the face he shows the world around him and the side that the reader is introduced to through his narration. The side that the narrator shows to the world around him and the side of him revealed to the reader are two different personalities. His external appearance is one of a quiet, non-existent, seemingly inconsequential person as can be seen from the fact that none of the visitors ever noticed [him]. However, this quiet exterior belies the fact that he observes all the comings and goings within the silk harmony factory. From my upstairs window, I saw everything unfold. Without father ever saying anything to me. The narrator is fully aware of all his fathers smuggling activities opium and heroin and Hennessy XO and bribing of the Thai soldierswith American cigarettes and low-grade gemstones but never lets his father catch on to that fact. The narrator also states that he is only of modest intellect and this is supported by his fathers belief that he would always be a dreamer and a wastrel. We find however, that his quiet demeanour conceals an observant, keen intellect. Contrary to his self-deprecating statement, we notice that he displays an extraordinary sense of awareness in a child of his age, suggesting that he is extremely intelligent. Even as a child he was aware of what [his] father did. His action of lifting the linoleum and pressing his ear to the floorboards to listen into his fathers Safe Room reveals to us his ingenuity and is a reflection of his intellect. While he does not mange to discern any information, he is sharp enough to realise that the low, muffled rumble was the tipping of diamonds onto the green baize table. While the narrator may appear to be of merely modest intellect, it seems that in reality he is incredibly intelligent for a young child. His self-deprecating statement also serves to highl ight his actual cleverness and quick mind. The theme of appearance VS reality can also be seen in the characterisation of two minor characters: the general and the young lady in the car. The narrator tells us that the general didnt look much like a soldier, but he had a Mercedes-Benz with a woman in the back seat, which would indicate a fairly high level of affluence and power which comes with the rank of a general in the army. With his cheap grey shirt and gold teeth, the man may not have looked like a general, but other indications would have exposed the reality of what he really was. This is similarly echoed in the characterisation of the young woman in the back seat of the car. The narrator describes her as having fair skin, almost pure white, the colour of salt fields on the coast. The narrator then goes on to state that she was young and beautiful, and when she smiled I saw her teeth were small and brown. This contrast between the state of her teeth and the colour of her skin further highlights the theme of appearance VS reality; while she appears to be pure and white on the outside, her teeth are dirty and decayed. This contrast is highlighted also by the use of visual imagery salt fields when describing the colour of her skin. Furthermore, the contrast between the general and the young woman also emphasizes the theme of appearance VS reality. The general wears a grey shirt, while the young woman is described as having white skin. Where the generals teeth are gold in colour, hers are small and brown. From this we can see that outward appearance does not seem to be a very good indicator of what the reality really is. Finally, the setting also contributes back to the theme of appearance VS reality. The name of the factory The harmony silk factory, which becomes synonymous with the house, gives no indication as to the activities of vice conducted there. Both physically and figuratively, the narrators house seems to be hiding behind the factory. The theme of appearance VS reality is manifested in the physical setting of the Harmony Silk Factory. The characterisation and setting, besides bringing out the theme of the appearance VS reality, also serves to create tension in the story and cause the reader to want to read on. The setting of the house, with its small mossy courtyard which never got enough sunlight gives the location of the extract an air of mystery; the lack of light and dampness of the place (as can be seen by the growth of moss) further builds upon the mysteriousness of the setting. This description appears in the first line of the extract, and the readers curiosity is pricked as to what actually goes on within the Harmony Silk factory. Also, the characterisation of the narrator serves to lead the reader on to read the rest of the novel. How is this achieved? Firstly, the narrator is a nameless, 1st person narrator. The use of the 1st person narration serves to give the tone of the extract a feeling of intimacy, or closeness to the subject matter. At the same time, his lack of a name distances him from the reader, again creating an air of mystery which surrounds him. Secondly, the tone of the narrator is very matter-of-fact. He describes somewhat shocking, illegal proceeds with the same tone one would use to describe everyday activities. He matter-of-factly states Mainly he smuggles opium and heroin and Hennessy XO and I knew what he was up to and whom he was with. The narrator describes theses happenings with a certain detachment which seems nonchalant or could be due to the fact that he is already used to this sort of behaviour. In fact, the narrator comes across as unfazed by all his fathers wrongdoings and does not seem affected in any way. This matter-of-fact tone is further highlighted by the narrators use of literary devices such as verbal irony. The use of verbal irony is evident throughout the extract. One of the first instances is in the 2nd paragraph in which the narrator describes the type of people who visit his house. He describes his Fathers clients as if they were guests or VIPs. Entry was strictly by invitation with privileged few being granted access; he states that only the liars, cheats, traitors and skirt chasers of the highest order are allowed in. These individuals have been seemingly elevated to a position of importance but by describing them in this way, the narrator has revealed them to be merely the scum of society. Another instance of verbal irony is in the line Now I would give everything to be the son of a mere liar and cheat. The irony is in the fact that the narrator views his father is so vile that he would rather be the son of someone who only cheats and lies. Also further irony can be found in the line my crime-funded education to good use. We find that he is now using his education, paid for by his fathers crimes, to uncover his fathers crimes. The use of verbal irony builds upon the narrators characterisation, as parts of his personality are slowly revealed to the reader. The narrator also uses an extremely convoluted and verbose way of narrating known as periphrasis. His manner of speaking is roundabout and elaborate. He uses ellipsis to interrupt his own narrative, partly for convenience the only people who came partly because my fathers varied The narrator constantly interjects his own narrative with interruptions and unnecessary lines such as gold, real solid gold. The use of unnecessarily long paragraphs to say a simple thing also add on to his convoluted manner of narration. The second last paragraph could have been shortened by saying I am now at peace and am not ashamed to reveal the story of my fathers life. However, he instead says there is another reason I now feel particularly well placedI am at peace. The use of periphrasis also heightens the melodramatic way the narrator leads the reader on. Phrases such as that wasnt all he was and I have searched for this all my life. Now, at last, I know the truth and I am no longer angry. In fact, I am at peace serve to heighten the tension within the paragraph. He describes his fathers past as terrible and the title he gives to his tale, The true story of the infamous Chinaman called Johnny, seems to elevate his fathers story to one legendary importance. The use of the phrase true story also lends a sense of credibility to his account. The revelation of the title to the reader is the climax of the tension that has been building in the last few paragraphs, albeit a somewhat anti-climatic one. This climax (or anti-climax) serves to leave the reader wanting more and leads the reader on to continue reading the rest of the story. The narrators self-deprecating and quirky way of narrating serves to endear the narrator to the reader. We also discover certain facts about his childhood through his narration. At no point in the extract does a narrator mention his mother. This may only be a conjecture, but the lack of a motherly figure in his life, a lack of love, may have contributed to his strange and unusual way of narrating and also his self-deprecating attitude. Also, we find that he may have endured physical abuse as a child from the line I had become used to this kind of punishment in response to his father twisting his ear. This makes the reader increasingly sympathetic to the narrator as the narrative progresses. Thus, when the narrator begins using melodrama to capture the attention of the reader and lead the reader on to the rest of the novel, the reader follows with little resistance. This characterisation and narration, coupled with the mysterious atmosphere created by the setting, creates a sort of tension which compels the reader to read on. It engages the reader and draws the reader into the world the author has created. As we have seen characterisation and setting both have a dual purpose. If this extract is the beginning of the novel, then the author has succeeded in drawing the reader into the novel. By using both characterisation and setting to bring out the theme and simultaneously create tension, the author has succeeded in creating a world with characters that engage readers and has successfully written an effective and exciting beginning to the novel.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Computers :: essays research papers

Computers Computer are electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out a program by performing calculations on numbered data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information. The old world of technology could not believe about the making of computers. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout our world in the handling of data including secret governmental files and making banking transactions to private household accounts. Computers have opened up a new world in manufacturing through the developments of automation, and they have made modern communication systems. They are great tools in almost everything you want to do research and applied technology, including constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow's weather reports, and their use has in itself opened up new areas of development. Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. The same new designs also make possible ideas of privacy and of restricted information sources, but computer crime has become a very important risk that society must face if it would enjoy the benefits of modern technology. Two main types of computers are in use today, analog and digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation the ability to determine if a switch, or gate is open or closed. That is, the computer can recognize only two states in any of its microscopic circuits on or off, high voltage or low voltage, or—in the case of numbers—0 or 1. The speed at which the computer performs this simple act, however, is what makes it a marvel of modern technology. Computer speeds are measured in megaHertz, or millions of cycles per second. A computer with a "clock speed" of 10 mHz—a fairly representative speed for a microcomputer—is capable of executing 10 million discrete operations each second. Business microcomputers can perform 15 to 40 million operations per second, and supercomputers used in research and defense applications attain speeds of billions of cycles per second. Digital computer speed and calculating power are further enhanced by the amount of data handled during each cycle. If a computer checks only one switch at a time, that switch can represent only two commands or numbers; thus ON would symbolize one operation or number, and OFF would symbolize another. By checking groups of switches linked as a unit, however, the computer increases the number of operations it can recognize at each cycle. The first adding machine, a precursor of the digital computer, was

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cultural Diversity and China Essay

Cultural diversity is a substantial part of the business assembly in the world today. The ability to interact with people from the western world to the eastern world has been made easily accessible through the use of technology. The means by which we communicate has made the transferring of information faster and less personal. However still to this day the most direct, effective and personal way to communicate with others is face-to-face communication (Varner, 2008). This process allows for the interaction of differing cultures; to process information, understand each other to collaborate on business opportunities. The mergence of cultures in business is a process, which needs to be thoughtfully entered upon. If an assumption were made that all people communicate by nature through processing information in the same way, there would be no effective communication, as this is not the case. People process communication on different levels and because of this we need to be made more culturally aware in how we interact. An action may be perceived very differently when presented to two people of differing cultures. To maximize business relations between cultures it is in the best interests to better understand the historic diversity of a culture. The history of a culture plays an integral roll in the traditions, actions and thought patterns of many people. When you understand the history of a culture, you can better understand the reasoning behind business practices and processes they use. Preparation is a key component to any success; cultural awareness can also be successfully accomplished with preparation. Chinese business etiquette is a high context environment and as far as appearance, behavior and how they communicate is very different then those of a low context culture. In China your professional appearance is very important. For the purposes of business, men usually wear very casual suits with neutral colors. The women in China usually do not show of much of their body, short skirts, high-heeled shoes and dresses should not be worn in the business setting. The Chinese will usually be offended if a woman shows off too much of her body. Jeans are not acceptable to business meetings either but they may be worn in casual settings. The Chinese behavior between business relations is very different from low context cultures. The Chinese people keep business relationships separate from friendships. When you are introduced to s Chinese businessperson it is important to avoid a lot of hand movements, this is believed to offend people and can found as obnoxious and disturbing. Eye contact or starring into person’s eyes is also not accepted and viewed as an impolite act when conversing. The most accepted way of greeting or making contact with a Chinese person is to make sure they give their hand first and shake hands firmly but not shaking too much. Bowing is also widely accepted to introduce oneself or shaking your head up and down is a regular greeting custom. Chinese people do not express themselves with hand movements in conversation, and they do not point, or talk with their hands. This behavior can observed as aggressive and not a socially acceptable behavior (Ricks, 2000). When meeting a Chinese businessperson it is important to keep introductions formal. The use of formal titles is the proper method of addressing someone. The Chinese believe in ranking and seniority and addressing someone informally without their professional title is seen as disrespectful. When address a person using his or her family name only, such as Mr. Chen or Ms. Hsu. The Chinese family name comes first and is usually one syllable. A one or a two-syllable given name follows a family name (Alder, 2001). For business purposes, it is traditionally acceptable to call a Chinese person by the surname, together with a title, such as â€Å"Director Wang† or â€Å"Chairman Li.† Avoid using someone’s given name unless you have known him or her for a long period of time. Formality is a sign of respect, and it is advisable to clarify how you will address someone very early in a relationship, generally during your first meeting. ( In China, it is assumed that the first person that enters the room is the head of the group. Westerners should observe this convention so as not to confuse the Chinese. Important guests are usually escorted to their seats. If the meeting room has a large central table, the principal guest is likely to be seated directly opposite the principal host. Time is also a very important aspect of business in China. Being on time is important and arriving late to a business meeting in China is a sign of disrespect. Therefore arranging appointments while conducting business to show the Chinese people you are professional and are respectful. Once the meeting is over it is proper form to allow the Chinese to leave the meeting first as this is a sign of respect for the other person. When exchanging business cards, hold out your card using both hands with the writing facing the recipient. Cards should always be exchanged individually (one-on-one). The action of tossing or dealing your business card across the table is considered extremely rude. To prevent an awkward situation it is recommended receive a business card with both hands and scan it immediately for vital information. It is demeaning to put someone’s card directly into your pocket without looking at it first. (Alder, 2001). A person should never write on a business card or directly put it in your wallet or pocket. It is an essential item in China custom to carry a small business card case to maintain business contacts. These differences mentioned can be observed as regular business practices in China. It is recommended that following proper form of etiquette in business to be successful when interacting with people from diverse cultures. One of the most important aspects of becoming culturally aware is to remember the history behind why a culture operates in particular manner. The high context culture of China is an extremely proud group of people. They place a high value on honor, morals, seniority and respect. The foundation of the operations of business is stemmed from these historic values. Having a foundation of historic education of a culture will help in the transition from one culture to the next. It is known that a large percentage of communication is transferred through the passing of verbal and non-verbal factors, the interpretation of these cues can play a factor in how varying cultures process these cues. (Varner, 2008). To adapt seamlessly to a culture would be best completed by gaining a sense of cultural awareness of others beliefs and customs. Preparation, knowledge and understanding of others practices will bring forth a better chance of being respected in China. The importance of cultural intelligence plays an integral roll of the success of doing business in China. Being aware of the forms and cultural differences through being open to difference will allow for successful communication between opposite cultures. References Alder, Nancy J. International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Fourth Edition, South-Western College Publishing 2001. Ricks, David A. Blunders in International Business, Blackwell Publishers; 3rd edition, January 2000.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Language Arts Lesson Essay

Allyssa Satin Capucilli’s Biscuit and the Nest (2008) which is part of the Biscuit Phonics Fun series will be used in this lesson to teach Language Arts to Grade 1 level students. This lesson aims to meet the Sunshine State Standards which are to make students: (1) identify the sounds of vowels in printed words; (2) apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in isolation and in context; (3) retell the main events and identify the characters and setting in a story; (4) edit for correct use of common spelling patterns and conventional spelling of high frequency words and for correct use of capital letters for the pronoun I and proper nouns; and (5) communicate effectively when relating experiences or retelling stories heard or read. After the teacher reads aloud the story to the class, the students will perform the succeeding activities. First, students will be paired off and each pair will complete a story frame which goes this way. The story takes place in ________. A character in the story is ________who ________Another character in the story is ________who ________. A problem occurs when ________. After that, ________and ________. The problem is solved when ________. The story ends with ________. Second, the students will complete a Word Sort. They will get and divide a sheet of paper into two columns. At the top of the first column, they write â€Å"vowel sound /e/† and at the second column, â€Å"not vowel sound /e/†. Then, students select words from the story and write these in the columns. Third, students will accomplish a Picture Match. They are to read the words below the picture and tell whether it is a pen or a pin, mien or men, leg or league, nit or net, rid or red, tin or ten, etc. Fourth, students will describe their pet or a pet they would like to have (if they do not have one yet) in writing. They need to write 3 to 5 sentences. Lastly, they will individually narrate to the class a story of their own pet or someone else’s pet. The students will be assessed through the following assessment tools: (1) Students’ writing development will be assessed through their use of capitalization and use of appropriate punctuation marks in their written output in the first and fourth activity. (2) Students’ grammar skills are evaluated when they are able to correctly write the correct setting, character, or event in the story frame and when they properly use subject-verb agreement in their descriptions in the fourth activity as well as in their stories in the last activity. (3) Students’ spelling skills will be assessed through a written spelling assessment to be given after the second and third activity. The teacher will read aloud ten words with the short vowel sound /e/ and ask the students to write them on a piece of paper. Another way to assess their spelling skills is through their written stories in the fourth activity. The spelling pattern that the students will be taught in relation to the story is the short vowel sound /e/. Word examples of the short vowel sound /e/ are egg, fell, nest, get, help, etc. Throughout the activities, the students will use three cueing systems in order to arrive at comprehension. These cueing systems are semantic, syntactic and graphophonic systems. The semantic system refers to language features that bring about meanings to the reader. This is used in the classroom to make students know and understand the correct meaning of a word. The syntactic system includes the interrelationship of the words in a sentence and the sentences in a text. When students are able to complete the story frame activity, they use the syntactic system. The graphophonic system includes the spelling and sound structure of the language and the relationship of these two. This will be taught to the students by demonstrating how words are pronounced based on their spelling or word patterns. References Capucilli, A. S. & Schories, P. (2008). I Can Read! Phonics: Biscuit and the Nest. New York: Harper Collins. Florida Center for Instructional Technology. (2009). Florida K-12 Reading and Language Arts Standards. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from http://etc. usf. edu/flstandards/la/new-pdfs/elp-1. pdf.

Friday, November 8, 2019

England and a Mercantilist Economy essays

England and a Mercantilist Economy essays England established colonies in America to provide them with raw materials. England passed the Navigation Acts to enforce mercantilism. During the seventeen hundreds, England was suffering from many hardships. England became preoccupied and could not enforce the Navigation Acts. This was known as a period of solitary neglect. Solitary neglect influenced the development of American society. Its influence can be seen in America's legislative assemblies, commerce, and religion. By seventeen-fifty Colonial America was governed by the colonist. Although England still owned the colonies, the colonist reacted to the colonial government rather than England. Many colonies in the New World passed acts, which allowed them to be self-governed. The pilgrims in Plymouth signed the Mayflower Compact, which said they would rule themselves although they are a colony of England. Virginia established the House of Burgesses and representative democracy. Representative democracy means citizens vote for the person they want to represent them. Connecticut wrote a document entitled "The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. This reinforced self-government and the ideas of representative government. England had a mercantilist economy. Mercantilism means governmental control is exercised over industry and trade by the theory that a majority of exports over imports increases national strength. They established colonies in America to provide England with raw materials. The mother country brought raw materials from the colonies and manufactured them. They then sold the new manufactured goods back to the colonies at a high price to create revenue. England passed the Navigation Acts to enforce mercantilism. Navigation acts were legislation passed by the English Parliament in the 17th and 18th centuries to promote and protect the English industry and commerce against foreign competition. The Navigation acts consisted of three parts. The first part said tra...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 Common Latin Expressions

3 Common Latin Expressions 3 Common Latin Expressions 3 Common Latin Expressions By Maeve Maddox Not too many generations ago, any child privileged enough to attend school beyond the age of seven or so studied Latin. A vestige of what was once a universal educational practice can be found in the use of these three Latin terms used by English speakers: mea culpa in memoriam R.I.P. Ive seen mea culpa misspelled as mia culpa, and in memoriam misspelled as in memorium. As for R.I.P. seen in cartoon drawings of tombstones and on Halloween-related decorations, many speakers are unaware that the initials R.I.P. stand for a Latin phrase. mea culpa [mÄ Ã‰â„¢ koolpÉ™]:my fault. The expression is part of a prayer of repentance, but it is often used in a secular context to mean its my fault. I know a classics professor who likes to translate it as my bad! If you feel really guilty, you can say, Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea MAXima culpa! The misspelling mia probably results from saying /mee-uh/ instead of /may-uh/. The Latin word culpa, crime, fault, blame, is at the root of several English words: culpable, culpability, culprit, exculpate, and exculpatory. in memoriam: in memory of. Tennyson named his long poem to the memory of his friend Hallam In Memoriam. English words from Latin memor, mindful, remembering, include: memory, memorable, immemorable (not worth remembering), immemorial (ancient beyond memory), memorize, commemorate, and commemoration. R.I.P., the initial letters of the Latin phrase Requiescat in pace: may he/she rest in peace. As it happens, the English translation Rest in peace gives the same initial letters of the Latin original. Latin requies, rest, repose, gives us the word requiem, Capitalized, a Requiem is a Mass for the repose of the soul of the dead. A generalized sense of requiem is any formal tribute to a departed soul. English words that derive from the same Latin source as requiem are quiet, quiescent, quiescence, and inquiet. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and Toes40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†Prepositions to Die With

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Short analys about illuminati Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Short analys about illuminati - Essay Example However, the controlling hand on both these parties is that of the Illuminati (Shore 2010). It is no coincidence that all the presidents of the United States are related to each other, with the majority of these candidates members of the pro Nazi covert society of Yale College called Skull and Bones (Shore 2010). An example of political manipulation is the war in Iraq for oil. Bush Sr. owns the company Carlyle Group, which is the world’s largest war corporation (Shore 2010). Bush Jr. started pushing for a regime changeover in Iraq as soon as he attained his post as the President (Shore 2010). The war in Iraq made Carlyle Group and Rumsfeld’s Bechtel Corporation billions of dollars, while Vice President Cheney’s oil company Haliburton Corporation was given the control of Iraq’s oil, worth trillions of dollars (Shore 2010). Another example of Illuminati control is the $1.3 trillion tax cut, out of which $1.2 trillion were distributed only among 43,000 families, including those of Bush and Cheney (Shore

Friday, November 1, 2019

Art history Making study guides for a quiz Essay

Art history Making study guides for a quiz - Essay Example Unique Forms of Continuity is an embodiment of his futuristic ideas. The figure is in a powerful stride indicating the constant progress and advancement. The contours of the muscular body flutter and flow in the surrounding space indicating the figure's great velocity and vitality as it pushes forward. The body has been deformed embodying its urge towards progress. This is a symbol of what is called as the Futurist World where developments are unprecedented. 28.63, Fountain Macel Duchamp is a French Dadaist who became the leading force in propagating Dada to the US. He believed that art should appeal to intellect rather than senses. This principle is embody through his ready mades which are ordinary manufactured objects transformed into artworks. Fountain is a porcelain urinal which is turned 90 degrees with signed with the pseudonym R Mutt ( from manufacturer J. L. Mott). This artwork has stirred debates due to its alleged immorality. However, it still embodies Duchamp's idea of readymade where the ordinary object is being used for another purpose which the artist imagines it to. This influences 20th century artists like Jeff Koons. 28.67, The Persistence of Memory This painting is an example of surrealism contributed by Salvador Dali. This painter is influenced by Miro and the latter also introduced Dali to Surrealists. Surrealism is a style in which fantastic visual imagery from the subconscious mind is used with no intention of making the artwork logically comprehensible. Paranoiac-critical method is his contribution to the surrealist theory where the sane person cultivates the ability of the paranoiac to misread ordinary appearances and become... Unique Forms of Continuity is an embodiment of his futuristic ideas. The figure is in a powerful stride indicating the constant progress and advancement. The contours of the muscular body flutter and flow in the surrounding space indicating the figure's great velocity and vitality as it pushes forward. The body has been deformed embodying its urge towards progress. However, it still embodies Duchamp's idea of readymade where the ordinary object is being used for another purpose which the artist imagines it to. This influences 20th century artists like Jeff Koons. Paranoiac-critical method is his contribution to the surrealist theory where the sane person cultivates the ability of the paranoiac to misread ordinary appearances and become liberated from the shackles of conventional thought. The head, which Dali identified as a self-portrait, first appeared in a 1929 painting entitled The great Masturbator. It may symbolize the artist's lifelong obsession with masturbation which has been the obsession which caused him considerable anxiety. This painting questions Kooning's real feelings toward women. He states though that he likes beautiful women but women also irritate him sometimes. This mixed emotion specifically his irritation toward women might have caused the result of his paintings.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 8

Research Paper Example Such drive of accountability comes from the quest of integrity from public sector management (Oshisami, 2004). Off late, the government sector is coming into increasing focus because of the rise in number of frauds and inappropriate use of public funds. Such irresponsible behavior on the part of the government has called increased attention to accountability and transparency on the part of auditors and accounting managers in these firms and those associated with such government firms (Banker, Chang & Cunningham, 2003). The paper is aimed at finding out the possible reasons behind ethical issues that auditor experience in government firms over auditing practices. The paper proceeds in two forms of data analysis to support and provide weight to the view. The primary data is collected by means of an interview of 30 auditors belonging to a private audit firm who do audits for government organization. The interviewees were quizzed over various aspects of ethical auditing problems in government firms. The secondary research over the topic was done by means of extensive research through journals, articles and books. The research moved on to identify problem areas in ethical auditing and tries to suggest recommendation for improvement over those. Auditing can be defined as a self-determining examination of books of accounts of an organization done by a designated person which gives a fair view of whether accounts maintained are true and reasonable and also whether they comply with regulatory requirements or not. Audit can be classified into three types of categories. In a recent report, it was found that one of the big four auditing firms, Ernst & Young had reported a flaw in about 48% of its audits revealed by the US government auditing regulators. Such inefficiencies included insufficient tests of their customer’s internal safeguards, failure of identification of revenue

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theory Of Career Construction Psychology Essay

Theory Of Career Construction Psychology Essay The purpose of this case study is to apply Savickas Theory of Career Construction to a volunteer client Yelonda J. Complete a narrative interview using the structured interview questions in the Career Style Interview, and employing the six steps. Discuss interpretations, observations and obtain her feedback. The theoretical foundation of Career Construction theory (CCT) has its beginnings from Constructivism, and according to Sharf (2009) Constructivism is a psychological approach that has developed out of a postmodern philosophical position. It has been stated the Postmodernism period was a reaction to modernism, in that it highlighted differences in individual views rather than a one-sided, rational scientific view of modernism. (Sharf 2009) Constructivist saw individuals as creators of their own destiny, and constructivist counselors sought to help clients discover that meaning and resolve any discrepancy. (Sharf 2009) According to (Sharf 2009, p316) the constructivism approach was greatly affected by the changing of the work environments in the 1970s. Employees were no longer staying with one position for their whole work life, as companies were becoming less loyal to employees and watching out for own bottom-line by downsizing their workforce to part-time. Employees soon discovered they needed to take charge of their future and looked to career counselors for help. According to (Busacca, 2007) constructivist career counseling attempts to answer one question how can an individual negotiate a lifetime job changes and not lose a sense of self? Career construction theory (CCT) came about to help individuals develop meaning out of their career choices and actions. CCT address how an individuals career is made from its personal and social constructs. These constructs are not actual real reality, but an individuals representation of that reality. CCT defines career as an objective and subjective construct. Objectively speaking, career is a listing of positions from the past to present. Subjectively, career is the personal meaning or a pattern of experiences form past, present, future. (Savickas, 2005, p43) CCT is made of three distinct perspectives and each seeks to determine how the individual views their life and career working together. (Busacca, 2007) These perspectives also help career counselor see how each individual views, makes adjustments and creates from their life experiences. These perspectives are life theme, career adaptability, and vocational personality. The Purpose and the Suppositions The purpose of CCT is to help the individual discover the subjective meaning in their work. In helping the individual discover this type of meaning, Career construction approach (CCA) stress the importance of the relationship between the individual and the counselor. Life themes In the previous career development theory we covered, Hollands inventories were used to obtain critical information about the individual, and make predictions of a career path and likely hood of success. Career Construction theory takes advantage of individual narrated stories to discover meaning behind the content. (Busacca, 2007) It has been stated pattern is the primary unit of meaning. By consciously organizing and binding together these discrete experiences, a unifying life theme patterns (Savickas 2005, p 58) pattern becomes a fundamental and essential way of being because it provides a way for individuals to see themselves and what is important in the world. (Savickas, 2005 p58) During a session an individual is encouraged to tell of work positions, experiences and develop a story linking career related experiences from the past to the present. The individual becomes the focus of attention as they narrated the counselor through their work and life stories. The counselor plays a less active role and listens for patterns in the individuals stories and life theme should begin to surface. (Busacca, 2007) Career Adaptability Once an individual has discovered a life theme, how they go about coping with the process of connecting with social expectations and how they construct their careers is the next step. (Savickas, 2005) Career counselors begin to ask questions of the individual such as How did you decide on that career? This is an important question to ask, because it relates to how the individual is choosing to cope or react to their social expectations. (Savickas 2005) stated adaptation was the interaction of self and society and it is this interaction where an individual develops their attitudes, beliefs, problem-solving and coping mechanisms. He went on to discuss four stages of adaptation resources. These resources are concern, control, curiosity and confidence. (Savickas, 2005) During the career concern stage, a career counselor focuses on whether an individual was concern about their future. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be Do I have future. A lack of career concern has a likelihood of becoming indifference which usually reflects a feeling of pessimism about the future. Career concern is important because I it helps the individual to relate their current activities to future endeavors. The goal of this stage is the building of continuity of past and future career activities. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career control stage, a career counselor focuses on whether the individual feels or believes they are responsible for their careers. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be Who owns my future? The lack of career control has a likelihood of becoming career indecisiveness and can lead to attitudes of indecision. The goal of this stage is deciding by clarifying choices. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career curiosity stage, a career counselor focuses on whether the individual discovered fit between self and the world of work. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be What do I want to do with my future? The lack of career curiosity has the likelihood of becoming naÃÆ'Â ¯ve about work options. The goal of this stage is exploration, learning about self and clarifying values. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career confidence stage, a career counselor would focuses on whether the individual displayed self esteem, self efficacy and encouragement. A statement commonly made by an individual in this stage would be Can I do it? A lack of career confidence has a likelihood of becoming unmotivated and unwilling to obtain goals. The goal of this stage is increase self acceptance, develop problem solving abilities and encourage the willingness to try even when things look dark. (Busacca, 2007) (Savickas, 2005) Vocational Personality According to (Savickas, 2005) an individuals personality begins in the family, neighborhoods, and school. As that individual grows up, their characteristics are displayed everyday while doing housework, completing hobbies and playing games. CCT views these characteristics possibilities or hypothesis to explore for the discovering meaning. Unlike Hollands RAISEC which use an objective person-environment fit, CCT uses a subjective approach in demonstrating to the individual how they are similar to others in a given field, and share common feelings and ideas about work related activities. Account of Session with Yelonda J. Observations of Yelonda J. Counseling Session with Yelonda J.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Critical Race Theory and the Rodney King Case Essays -- Recism

Critical Race Theory and the Rodney King Case In reviewing the article, Canadian Critical Race Theory, I found that the author, Carol Aylvard, raises some very interesting as well as disturbing questions on the nature of racism within the realm of police enforcement. In looking through the lens of the Rodney King case, we are provided with a very specific example of how the issue of race was dealt with, or not dealt with within the LAPD and judicial system. To gain a clearer understanding of how race was a major issue in this case but at the same time not confronted on the front lines, Alyvard highlights several aspects of the case. In the 1991 state trial of the four police officers accused of beating Rodney King, the prosecution did not even attempt to introduce evidence of "racial animus" on part of the officers. Even though there was video-audio evidence as well as eyewitness testimony to the contrary, they still did not challenge the defense's assertion that no racial epithets had been used by the police officers. As well, the prosecution neglected to appeal the decision of the State Court to move the trial from a racially diverse area to the predominantly white area of Simi Valley, where it was inevitable that the officers would be judged by an all-white jury. Furthermore, they also did not challenge the defense's portrayal of King's injuries as trivial. While it is needless to say that the list goes on and on, it came as no great surprise that the jury acquitted the four LAPD officers. It was also not surprising that riots followed this acquittal. One month after the beating and one year after the acquittal, two independent commissions, The McCone Commission and The California State Assembly Commission were appoint... ... is possible to implement alternative legal strategies that have their roots in recognition instead of avoidance? In looking at additional information displayed on the Internet, there seems to be an even wider range of issues being developed around the Rodney King Case. How do people of different social classes, gender or race fair in the law enforcement system? A few sites as well as the article alluded the O.J. Simpson case. Did this case confirm the importance of race consciousness and show a move toward a better understanding of the role that race plays in law? At any rate, Aylvard argues that the Rodney King case, " †¦exposed the significance of race in constitutional and criminal law and the dangers of avoiding it to maintain the "myth" of color blindness." (p. 66). References Carol, A. Aylvard. Canadian Critical Race Theory. Halifax: Fernwood, 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Information Lifecycle Management Essay

Industries and organizations thrive on â€Å"Information†. The effective use of information so that it is aligned to meet the business demands is therefore a very crucial essential. The millions of bytes of data, requires not only effective storage but processes which handle the data right from creation and disposal after it is no longer needed. Maintenance of data in a cost effective manner is therefore a very significant activity in any organization. The answer to all the above is Information Lifecycle Management (ILM). What is ILM? Technology in combination with processes and policies to effectively manage data to suit the requirements of the organization is what is the basis of Information Lifecycle Management. ILM manages the lifespan of data required by organizations. Storage medium, security, access rights and the way data will be accessed are all part of ILM activities. ILM through its dynamic process of reassessment of data, discards data which is no longer used. A tiered architecture is often used for ILM where in data which is redundant is often moved to storage media which is more cost effective. ILM is involved in the evolution of data, changes in the data over a period of time, its importance and finally disposal of obsolete data. Most organization use business applications which are data centric. Since voluminous amount data is involved many times it so happens there is not track of the amount if information available and the way it is stored. Often time is wasted in gathering the information as it is not stored in a structured manner. It ensures that data is stored in a way that is compliant with the organization policies and can be retrieved with ease. ILM also facilitates classification of data depending upon its sensitiveness and requirements by the business users. This can be done in two ways. The first is to segregate the data depending on its business use and relevance. The second is to prevent security breaches, access rights are decided keeping in mind the policies of organizations. Archiving of data is done depending on certain criteria so that it is much easier to access the next time a requirement comes up. Value of data determines the type of storage media to be used. If the data requires regular access and is the focal point of applications then such data is better stored on media which provides faster access and has effective backup and recovery mechanism. Data which is not accessed on a regular basis can be stored in less expensive storage medium. ILM alleviates the use of tools to automate routine tasks thereby reducing time and errors. ILM also focuses on reliability and relevance of data. A good example for the need of ILM would be email archiving. Communication heavily depends on email some of which are extremely important from business point of view. Old emails are stored in individual machines or network servers. A need may arise to access information from the previous email which may not be found or be available at the time it is required. Apart from this email needs to be organized in terms of its date of creation and importance of data. IT Managers in organizations are primarily concerned about cost effectiveness of the voluminous data and also security issues. Apart from this IT managers need to classify data according to organization policies and also optimize disk storage. Massive budget is allocated by organization for purchase of storage media unaware of the fact that nearly half of the existing remains un-utilized. Operation managers are always seeking high end results and want faster , reliable data access at the right time. ILM incorporates most of the features wanted by them and makes it easier to achieve an effective data storage management. It not only stresses on effective storage of information but also ensures that it is reliable and retrieval time is minimized for data that is critical and used frequently. ILM provided by Oracle is a good example of data management tool. The Oracle 11g is compatible with ILM. It uses basic steps such as definition of the data classes, tiered storage architecture, migrating policies along with compliance details. It has interactive GUI tool known as the ILM assistant. The ILM assistant informs the user when the data has become obsolete and whether the data needs to be archived or deleted. IT also provides a preview about the cost involved in executing the above said activities along with storage requirement specifications. The security measures in the ILM assistant ensure that only authenticated users are given access to the data stores. It is a definitely a cost effective tool that can be sued to manage the lifecycle of data. ILM assistant is short allows huge amount of data to be stored and available easily while keeping the cost of storage low. Conclusion Information Lifecycle management is an important aspect of data-centric organization. Depending on the requirement of the business should appropriately select the various solutions available. Large companies such as Oracle and IBM have come with ILM tools that provide them with effective data management and risk management. ILM prevents underutilization of disk space . Disorganized data can lead to huge losses and there an effective strategic approach is required.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Character Analysis of Florante and Laura Essay

I. Florante at Laura Florante and Laura are the main characters of the great metrical romance of arguably the greatest Filipino poet, Francisco Balagtas. Florante is the son of Duke Briseo and Princess Floresca of Albania and the main protagonist of the romance. Laura is the daughter of King Linceo of Albania and the love interest of Florante and is later married to him. This is a package deal, because they can’t stand alone on their own for their cultural meaning stems from them being together, as they symbolize love overcoming extreme difficulties, even the great divide of culture, family and religion. The relationship between Florante and Laura is so divine and special because their love for each other proved that love conquers all. Their love for each mother must set a standard to all of us that we should fight for the one we love and cherish the most. In the story, even if there were so many obstacles and problems that came into their lives they still manage to maintain what they have for each other. It should be an example to all of us of how real love is. II. Comparison or Parallelism Local: Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara are the two protagonists in Jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere. They share a love that even distance can’t break. Just like the happenings between Florante and Laura. They’ve been separated or away from each other for some days, weeks, months or even years but their love stay. Another similarity is the love triangle present in both stories. In Florante and Laura, there is Adolfo who wants to destroy the love between the lovers to get Laura. In Noli Me Tangere, there is Linares who wants to marry Maria Clara. Even if there’s someone who tried to ruin their love they still remain faithful to each other. One of the best similarities of them is  that they are willing to die just to protect each other. Crisostomo is ready to fight the Spaniards or even the priests to set Maria Clara free but unfortunately Maria Clara died inside the convent and Crisostomo was left with revenge and guilt in his heart. On the other hand, Florante fight his enemies even if it means that it’ll cost his life. Good thing Florante manage to stay alive. Foreign: Romeo and Juliet The very famous Romeo and Juliet can be compared to our very own Florante and Laura because of the flow of their story and most significantly its theme. The theme is the difference of their culture and family. The Montagues and the Capulets are very nice enemies so if someone established an intimate relationship with one another it’s a sin. In Florante and Laura, there’s a conflict between cultures and because of that their families became nice enemies also. Same as Crisostomo Ibarra and Florante, Romeo has a competitor also for the hands and heart of Juliet, his name is Paris. Paris is the suitor of Juliet and the Capulets want Paris to be Juliet’s husband but we all know that Romeo is the one for Juliet. This shows that if you really love the person you will not be attracted to another person even if he do good to you or even if your family wants him for you. You should follow your heart if it is what makes you happy, you should fight for it even if it means that you will have a battle and war between people. The good thing that happens in the end of both stories is of course when their families finally have peace. This happened on Romeo and Juliet when both families realize that it’s wrong to fight each other for a very long time if they should have resolved it from the very first time it occurs when Romeo and Juliet died together. In Florante and Laura peace was made when all of the fights were ended and their religions and culture became one. III. Conclusion The similarities on the characters are very obvious. They would do anything for love and they symbolize love as being able to overcome obstacles and problems in life. I’ve learned that love conquers all and if you really love someone you should not be ashamed to fight for it even if the things that you will encounter are as hard as a diamond. Time flies so fast you’ll never know what will happen so you must cherish and do everything you can do to make every moment lasts. I think another thing that I’ve learned is that you should not be fooled by prejudice because some conflicts are caused by that. But the main lesson of the stories and the characters is love is unconditional and sacrificial.